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Topline Report

Typically the least expensive type of market research report, topline reports (also known as executive summaries, briefs, or dashboard reports) provide an overview of the market in question, as well as a quick evaluation of that market’s primary contributors. Key findings, along with recommended actions, are highlighted without unnecessary technical jargon in the hopes of pointing businesses to critical issues that need to be quickly addressed. A topline report does not provide detailed data nor explain methodologies but is an appropriate option for companies needing a broad summary without a point-by-point explanation.

Full Market Report

Businesses wanting more precise information about a market and its subcategories typically opt to spend more funds to secure a full market report. Full market reports delve into the specifics of why, how, and when a market might change. They seek to forecast developments by identifying market trends and important market contributors. They include comprehensive findings, including verbatim qualitative responses to research questions, as well as a thorough disclosure of all metrics, methodologies, and models used during the research process. This heightened focus on the research method often means that the production time to deliver a full market report is extended and the end product is more taxing to understand and act upon.

Product Detail Report

The product detail report expands the full market report by also focusing on one or more specific offerings within an industry. Overall market strengths and weaknesses are described, but the focus is pointed to the performance of individual products in certain regions or locations. The product detail report is typically the most expensive and focused type of market research report. It is also the most detailed, tailored for industry experts and not the masses.

Reporting Format

The final research output could be in various reporting formats. We provide Word, PDF, PowerPoint, and other formats as per the clients’ preferences and needs.

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